New Player Registration

Welcome to Kerry Park Minor Hockey!

If you are new to hockey or have moved into the Kerry Park draw zone* this is the place to start.

Registration for the 2025/26 will open on March 26, 2025 unless or until divisions are filled.

*draw zone includes any citizen who resides in Electoral Areas A, B, C and D of the CVRD  

Please note that due to maximum roster requirements, some divisions will fill up quickly and your player could end up on a wait list. 
You will be notified if that happens.  If there are enough on a wait list to exceed the minimum roster requirement in any given division, we are open to forming additional teams.

TO START the process please email our Registrar with a copy of your child's birth certificate and proof of residency(any bill invoice will do) to:  Responses can take up to 7 days.

  • Players will be added to teams as space is available on a first-come/first-paid basis.
  • Please note your child MUST be registered in a division based on their birth year.
  • See below for divisions and registration fees.

All required items and online payments must be received for your player to be put in the line-up for movement to a registered status. 

Fees for 2025-2026 season


New Division Name


Birth years


Registration Fee

Rep Tryout fee      


2019 and 2020




2017 and 2018




2015 and 2016



U11 Development

2015 and 2016




2013 and 2014



U13 Rep

2013 and 2014




2011 and 2012



U15 Rep

2011 and 2012







U18 Rep




 Rep fees

If your player makes one of the KPMHA competitive teams, there is a rep fee that will be invoiced through Team Snap once final competitive teams are formed in September.  This fee MUST be paid in FULL before October 31st, 2025

Competitive Team

Rep Fee

U11 Development


U13 Rep


U15 Rep


U18 Rep


  *Please note;

  • You will indicate your desire to tryout for a competitive team during the registration process.
  • Early Bird Tryout fee will be $95, available for U11 thru U18 players up until June 30, 2025.
  • This fee will be added to your 1st registration payment, at time of registration.
  • If you choose to change your registration status then contact Terri our Registrar 
  • After June 30th, the Tryout fee will be $145.00.

  The following items will need to be handed in by the first ice session;

1. Jersey deposits (post dated cheque for $150 dated March 31, 2026)

2. Medical forms/ EPACT registration

3. Player's Fair Play forms

4. Player's Social Media form

Do not submit now.


Payment Options
Visa debit/Credit Card/E-transfer to


Registration Funding Assistance Options:

Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund
Bob and Jan Collins have donated to the fund to assist KPMHA families in memory of Nick Collins

Lace'em up 

KidSport Cowichan

Athletics for Kids (A4K) 

Canadian Tire - Jump Start Program

For more assistance contact the KPMHA Registrar


Click on link to review a video on how to put on your Hockey equipment

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