If you are new to hockey or have moved into the Kerry Park draw zone* this is the place to start.
Registration for the 2025/26 will open on March 26, 2025 unless or until divisions are filled.
*draw zone includes any citizen who resides in Electoral Areas A, B, C and D of the CVRD
Please note that due to maximum roster requirements, some divisions will fill up quickly and your player could end up on a wait list. You will be notified if that happens. If there are enough on a wait list to exceed the minimum roster requirement in any given division, we are open to forming additional teams.
TO START the process please email our Registrar with a copy of your child's birth certificate and proof of residency(any bill invoice will do) to: registrar@islanderhockey.ca. Responses can take up to 7 days.
All required items and online payments must be received for your player to be put in the line-up for movement to a registered status.
New Division Name |
Birth years |
Registration Fee | Rep Tryout fee |
U6/U7 | 2019 and 2020 | $395.00 |
U8/U9 | 2017 and 2018 | $725.00 |
U11 | 2015 and 2016 | $800.00 |
U11 Development | 2015 and 2016 | $800.00 | $95.00 |
U13 | 2013 and 2014 | $800.00 |
U13 Rep | 2013 and 2014 | $800.00 | $95.00 |
U15 | 2011 and 2012 | $800.00 |
U15 Rep | 2011 and 2012 | $800.00 | $95.00 |
U18 | 2008,2009,2010 | $800.00 |
U18 Rep | 2008,2009,2010 | $800.00 | $95.00 |
If your player makes one of the KPMHA competitive teams, there is a rep fee that will be invoiced through Team Snap once final competitive teams are formed in September. This fee MUST be paid in FULL before October 31st, 2025.
Competitive Team | Rep Fee |
U11 Development | $335.00 |
U13 Rep | $440.00 |
U15 Rep | $440.00 |
U18 Rep | $440.00 |
*Please note;
The following items will need to be handed in by the first ice session;
1. Jersey deposits (post dated cheque for $150 dated March 31, 2026)
2. Medical forms/ EPACT registration
3. Player's Fair Play forms
4. Player's Social Media form
Do not submit now.
Payment Options
Visa debit/Credit Card/E-transfer to bookkeeper@islanderhockey.ca
Registration Funding Assistance Options:
Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund
Bob and Jan Collins have donated to the fund to assist KPMHA families in memory of Nick Collins
Click on link to review a video on how to put on your Hockey equipment