Referee Information


Anyone new to KPMHA or that has never been a referee before, please

contact our Referee In Chief Daryn Martiniuk

at or

Ashley at for more information. 

2024-2026 Hockey Canada New Rules & Points of Emphasis

Game Officials Handbook

BC Hockey Officiating Resources

Referee Signal Guide 

Casebook/Rule Combinations

Game Incident Reports

E-Game Rule 4.8 Ejection Procedures

Hockey Canada Officiating Pathway

Officiating Manual

Officiating Duties for Ref & Linesman

Spordle Instructions for Officials

Ref Clinics

Rule book app -iphone

Rule Book app - Android

2024-2025 Minimum Suspension Guidelines


 Requesting Referees

  • All team Managers must ensure to book referees for all games  

(including exhibition, tiering, placement, league and hosting tournaments).

  • Team Managers must provide notice to the Ref Assignor a week prior to the games.
  • If you are waiting for a game number from your commissioner, let the RA know and supply it to them when you are issued one.
  • If your game is cancelled a minimum of 72 hours notice is required. If less than 72 hours, teams are responsible to cover the on ice officials costs.


Please email KPMHA Referee Allocator Ashley Richter at  






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