If you do not have the TeamSnap Application link, please email
1.Criminal Record Check form (required before each season) Access Code: 8PFQGYYUUF (Do this early as it can take up to 2 weeks to receive back) |
2.Hockey Canada Safety Program certification. |
3.Respect in Sport for Leaders (every 5 years) Certification. |
4. NEW Team Safety Agreement (part of application link) |
5.CATT (Concussion Awareness Training Tool) Certificate |
When an injury takes place it is the ‘Safety Person’s’ job to handle the event, keep in mind the following steps...
1. If an ambulance is needed it is your job to call for one or assign someone else too.
2. There must be two people in the change room with the player at all times.
3. Inform the parents of what steps are being taken and if they are not at the arena contact them ASAP.
4. Only the injured players parent’s or professional medical personal are allowed to administer any type of medication to him/her, except ‘EpiPens’ in the case of allergic shock.
5. Older players are not allowed to drive themselves home after any type of injury.
6. If not sure if the player’s injury requires medical attention, always error on the side of caution and advise that the player sees a doctor.
7. Provide the parents with the injury report to take with them to be completed by their doctor. Any player that has received medical attention/injured themselves may not return to the ice without a doctor’s note allowing them to.
8. Completed medical forms must be forwarded to KPMHA Risk Management Person within 7 days and to B.C. Hockey within 90 days.
Safety Person- Emergency Action Protocols
Safety Requires Teamwork & Safety for All